Deacons in the Greenwood Presbyterian Church form the official “caring arm” of the Church. Pastor Peter calls them the “In-house Intensive Care Unit” of our church. They are responsible for reaching out to those in need, both within the church fellowship and in the surrounding community, with Christian love and hope.
Some of the Deacons’ ministries are:
The Presbyterian Church was a founding member of the Greenwood Meals on Wheels, and the Deacons continue to cover Route #3 every Wednesday of the year.
The Deacons organize and see to Home Communion for sick and shut-ins every 1st Sunday of a month.
As a sign of our church’s care and presence with folks who can’t be with the congregation
At Christmastime, chrismons are placed on our Narthex Christmas tree indicating possible gifts for family members of several families of students at nearby Isom Elementary School. These gifts are supplemented with groceries and children’s Bibles.